About Us

DNA is a family-run production. We know that we have the remedy to ensure that we touch the souls of as many people as humanly possible. Our productions work to make everyone feel whole by tapping into their human potential, so they can discover their own magnificence.


Fam D.N.A. Is Here To Stay! People need to feel reliability in order to establish trust the traditional way, with a steady build combined with upbeat technological advances. To keep everyone engaged, we give them the recipe of familiarity, relatability, and facts. It makes for a full belly. We intend to connect to STEM Companies, the Educational Sector, Health Care Institutes, etc. all for the same reasons; fostering relationships for our youth so they’ll know exactly what resources are available to them. Each of these Markets will know that we’re here and what we do, so the conversation can take place on building relationships to support a unique and innovative way to build the minds of tomorrow.